IT MUST HAVE pained Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau Jr. to utter those words when he testified before the House Ways and Means Committee in 1939. Morgenthau was among Franklin D. Roosevelt’s most trusted advisors and friends, and he had every reason, both personally and politically, to champion the New Deal. But after six years of interventionist economic policy, the numbers just weren’t there. Morgenthau’s testimony dealt a devastating blow to FDR’s vaunted New Deal programs.
What went wrong? A closer look at the data shows how the 1930s New Deal was the worst way to lead the country out of a recession—and subsequent ambitious government economic recovery plans styled along New Deal lines have fared no better.
“We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work.”
By 1939, New Deal policies had put the government largely in control of the U.S. economy. Roosevelt sold his plan as a way to lift up “the forgotten man,” but the New Deal did little to reduce unemployment—which was above 10 percent from 1930 all the way until 1940—and failed to encourage private investments in business, which was still less than half of where it had been in 1929. By 1939, total hours worked were still 22 percent below where they had been a decade before, and real per capita GDP remained unhealthily low.
Despite his admiration for the president, Morgenthau had to admit that all the government spending they pushed had left them with “just as much unemployment as when we started.”
But it’s not just the New Deal; other large-scale government responses have been similarly disappointing. Take the Marshall Plan, a U.S. initiative to invest $12 billion (equivalent to $129 billion in today’s dollars) to rebuild the economies of European countries devastated by World War II. But like most large-scale government programs, the Marshall Plan did more for special interests in the United States than for struggling Europeans. The real key to Europe’s recovery was lifting wartime price controls and other government restrictions.
Another way large-scale government programs can worsen crises is by creating uncertainty about the rules governing economic interactions, such as property rights, contract enforcement, regulations, and the like. People are much more likely to invest when they are confident the laws and policies protecting their investment will be predictable and consistent.
During the New Deal, FDR’s administration used false monopoly accusations against businesses to punish certain industries and push serious anti-business rhetoric that was perceived as a threat to private property. Also, New Deal policies such as the National Industrial Recovery Act, the Agricultural Adjustment Act, the Anti-Chain-Store Act and the Retail Price Maintenance Act created turmoil for Americans by arbitrarily raising the prices of goods and severely reducing job opportunities.
More recent examples illustrate how little we’ve learned about the limitations of these overly ambitious crisis responses. For example, after Hurricane Katrina, local governments constantly changed recovery plans in ways that made it nearly impossible for residents and organizations to know what the rules and regulations actually were and whether they would have any long-term stability. Not only did this hurt recovery efforts, it set back the New Orleans economy for years by undermining confidence in local government.
Similarly, the Obama administration’s stimulus package in response to the 2008 Great Recession is yet another example of a failed large-scale intervention. The stimulus was intended to bring down the unemployment rate, which peaked at around 10 percent, but the spending program actually made unemployment worse than it would have been without the stimulus.
And today we see the same concerns at play in the federal response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We had a $2 trillion spending program that was chock-full of special interest legislation. We had a bailout of small-business payrolls—much of which wound up in the hands of firms that did not appear to need it. We had an oversized unemployment stipend that has had effects similar to those of the Obama stimulus. And we have seen constantly changing rules and regulations about everything from re-opening economies, to the start of the new school year, to the wearing of masks, and other purported virus prevention measures. All of these can help to explain why the economic effects of the pandemic have been so bad in the U.S. compared to other countries that engaged in lockdowns.
Unfortunately, it appears as though the New Deal and other crisis responses have indeed served as examples, but for all the wrong reasons.
Which brings us back to Morgenthau. In his Depression-era testimony, he admitted the truth: “I want to see this country prosperous,” he said. “I want to see people get a job… We have never made good on our promises.”
Perhaps, instead of more government interventions and illusory promises, Morgenthau should have looked to what was already happening to alleviate the worst of the Great Depression. He should have looked to the decentralized, innovative responses of the entrepreneurial discovery process of the market to generate recovery and growth. If he wanted to help, he should have gotten out of the way. The way to respond to crises of all sorts, whether recessions or disasters, is to give the maximum freedom possible to the creative powers of humans guided by the signals of the marketplace.